
The main differences to meet criteria are age and income

MediCARE: age

MedicAID: income

BUT those are not the only criteria. This article is focusing on Medicaid.


What is it and who can get it?

Medicaid is a public health insurance program that provides healthcare coverage.

Who gets it and what they get, varies from state to state (each state runs it’s own program) but there are a lot of similarities.

The federal government provides some funding to the states to administer the program. The states in turn, determine eligibility, enroll individuals & families and pay healthcare providers for services.

Here are the criteria (in Georgia) where you may meet eligibility.

Remember it can vary from state to state.

  • Low income and either of below

  • Pregnant

  • You are a child or teenager

  • You are age 65 or older

  • You are legally blind

  • You have a disability

  • You need nursing home care

Here is the link noting above criteria,  how to apply and a PDF of the financial limits (again for Georgia).
And here’s that PDF
Since Medicaid is state specific, here is the link that will guide you to your state, for more information.

What it covers

It covers a wide range of healthcare services and in most states pay for long-term care in facilities or in communities.
Long term care is also called custodial care. See below

Important Consideration

Many think Medicare covers assistance with custodial care. It usually does not (if that is the only care needed) and depends on your insurance coverage overall.

Now there’s more to it than this but generally speaking and if criteria is met:

  • Medicaid covers nonskilled, custodial care (help with bathing, dressing toileting…) and

  • skilled if it is the only payer

  • Medicare covers skilled care (doctor, nursing, therapy, skilled home health ….)

There are exceptions and always check with your insurance provider for specific situations

Click here for more insight about skill vs nonskill service


Payment Criteria


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